Youth & Parent Internet Safety Summit

Get Safe Online! 
Youth & Parent Internet Safety Summit 
Attention youth & parents! Navigating the online world can be difficult, and parenting youth in the modern digital landscape presents a unique challenge. 
Find the tools you need to safety navigate the online world at two upcoming FREE workshops, designed for parents & youth in Grade 7-12.  Don't miss out on these unique opportunities to strengthen your family's online safety!
Both workshops will include presentations from experts in the field, a panel discussion, and an interactive Q&A period with the speakers.

Workshop #1:

Insights into Adolescent Psychology, Online Exploitation, & Parental Guidance
This in-person workshop will feature presentations from the Alberta ICE Unit and Indigo Counselling Services, including:
  • Unveiling the realities of online child exploitation
  • Understanding adolescent psychology & online risk factors
  • Parenting digital youth & courageous parenting
Date: 6:30pm, January 26, 2024
Location: Godberson Multi-Purpose Room, 5607-47 St, Barrhead

Workshop #2: 

Facing Cyberbullying, Teaching Internet Safety, & Empowering Parents
This virtual workshop will feature presentations from the Saffron Center and White Hatter, including: 
  • Identifying, preventing, & responding to cyberbullying 
  • Preventing technology-facilitated sexual violence
  • Parenting youth online & fostering a healthy digital lifestyle
Date: 6:00pm, January 30, 2024
Location: Online via Zoom (sign-up for link)


Our Expert Speakers:
Indigo Counselling & Consulting provides experienced counselling services to the Whitecourt area.  Sharon Mailloux is a Registered Psychologist, and will enlighten participants on youth internet safety, adolescent psychology & risk factors, and courageous parenting during workshop #1.    
2. Alberta Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit
The ICE Unit is a division of the Alberta Law Enforcement Response Teams, and investigates offences related to the exploitation of children over the internet. Sergeant Kerry Shima brings many years of law enforcement experience to this presentation and will unpack this complex topic at workshop #1. 

The Saffron Centre is a non-profit organization based in Sherwood Park that supports healing of victims of sexual violence. As an experienced presenter to Albertan schools, the Saffron Center will bring expertise and sensitivity to the complicated subject of technology-facilitated sexual violence in youth, during workshop #2.

White Hatter is a comprehensive digital literacy & internet safety organization.  Darren Laur is part of the White Hatter team with over 30 years experience in law enforcement, and will expertly speak on cyberbullying & parenting in an online world during workshop #2.